We’ve been professional pastoral beekeepers since 1987. We signed up to organic standards in 1989, first with Nature et Progrès and then with European certification. Sale on the Seyne market.
Our hives spend the winter in the Var and Bouches du Rhône regions, where the bees collect nectar from Rosemary, sometimes Thyme or Heather. In spring, the hives return to the mountains. In May, an apiary (60 hives) migrates to northern Isère to harvest Acacia and Chestnut honey. In June, an apiary gains altitude and harvests high mountain honey at Le Lavercq, while another, at 1,200m, on the high plateaus of the Gorges du Verdon, harvests light mountain honey. In July, the hives descend to the lavender fields of the Valensole and Albion plateaus. It’s not until October that they return to their overwintering grounds, heavy with provisions.
Honeys: Rosemary, Acacia, Chestnut, Valley Mountain, High Mountain, Clear Mountain, Lavender, All Flowers. Winter: Black and white nougats, with lavender honey and almonds from Provence’s Valensole plateau.
Gingerbread, eggs from the valley, local flour.
ADAM Antonin
Les Aubres,
04140 Seyne
Telephone : +33492352924
Telephone : +33682292595
Email : [email protected]
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Updated on 25/01/2024 – Office de Tourisme Provence Alpes Digne les Bains – Suggest an edit