La balade du Quartier

La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier
La balade du Quartier

A remarkable family circuit between banks, cliffs, and beaches with beautiful views of protected and landscaped areas.

From Saint-Julien beach go on the right (starting post of the trail) climb the few steps and follow the path along the old Verdon canal (yellow and red marking GR® de Pays). Pass the water intake of EDF and the Canal de Provence and walk on the path between the lake and the channel. Pass the stone bridge of the Barade and continue on this path to the end of the canal a little before the tunnel closed by a gate turn left.

1- Go through the opening of the channel turn right and climb on the plateau overlooking the lake. Follow the markings on the cliff (note you are on a Var ENS Sensitive Natural Area) do not go out of the path, until a large pebble track.

2- At Poteau Balcon du lac (385 m) – Go down the track to the left to its end, cross the channel and reach the edge of the lake by a path on the left.. Continue to follow the path along the riverbanks past the “Ponton du Lac” and continue to the level of the concrete bridge. Continue along the route of the old canal guard road to the left of it. Follow him to the house of the canal guard (Provence canal property) on the left at the locality of the district.

3- Return either by the track going up on the right (Beacknoning) At the next intersection continue straight and join point (2). Return to departure by the route taken on the way. Otherwise redo the return by the same path.


Parc Naturel Régional du Verdon

83560 Saint-Julien le Montagnier

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Updated on 16/03/2025 – Parc naturel régional du Verdon – Suggest an edit

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