Les Portes d’Entrages

Les Portes d’Entrages
Les Portes d\'Entrages
Les Portes d\'Entrages
Les Portes d\'Entrages

The passages for men and animals, carved by erosion in the limestone bars, are called “pas”. Along this route you can meditate on the inscriptions of the work of herman de vries*, engraved in gold leaf on the stones.

From the village of Entrages, take the path that starts opposite the church porch. Stay on the track until you turn right onto the path towards Les Courtiers, via the Portes d’Entrages (directional sign). 150 m further on, stay on the left. 10 m before the access path to the old house of Peyraud, look carefully, a first golden point by herman de vries is visible on an overhanging rock, on your right. Point, herman de vries (2004) – The artist says he “wants freedom for the one who perceives”. He offers an extremely simple form, a small circle like a point, dug into the rock and then gilded. It is a stopping point during the hike, and the starting point for a reflection, or even a meditation, as personal and open as possible.

At the junction a few meters further down, two works by the artist herman de vries*. These are gold leaf engravings on stone, belonging to the series traces, spread over several sites in the Digne area. These very small texts invite, through observation and walking (ambulo) to a new interpretation of the landscape that unfolds, and by extension to philosophical reflection. Go looking for them! What, why, from where, to where, herman de vries (2004) – The narrow parade of the Portes d’Entrages inspired herman de vries four questions with the idea of ​​an initiatory passage.

*we respect the artist’s wish not to use capital letters, a form of hierarchy

Find the full description of the route in the Topo guide “Art in the mountains, 22 hikes to discover contemporary art in the Haute-Provence Geopark” (€15), available at the reception of the Gassendi Museum, the Maison Alexandra David-Néel, and the tourist

Provence Alpes Agglomération

04000 Entrages

Telephone : +33492366262

Website : www.dignelesbains-tourisme.com

Website : www.rando-alpes-haute-provence.fr/trek/235819-Sommet-du-Cousso…

Chains and labels
  • Circuits de France
  • Open air
  • Listed PDIPR


Free access.
Various informations
Accepted animals : Yes
  • Level bue – Medium
Languages spoken
  • French
  • Free car park
  • Car park
  • Public WC
  • Pets welcome

GPX tracks

Les Portes d’entrages_Entrages (Download the route)
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Updated on 19/02/2025 – Office de Tourisme Provence Alpes Digne les Bains – Suggest an edit

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