The flour mill, with its stone millstones and machinery, is a testimony to Entrevaux’s agricultural heritage.
In 1542, the inhabitants of Entrevaux freed themselves from the guardianship of the Duke of Savoy and offered their town to the protection of the King of France. As a reward, the Entrevaux community was exempted from all charges and taxes, and retained the right to use the mills. A notarized deed dated May 25, 1546 lays the foundations for water rights to the mill canal, indicating that a mill was already in existence on this site in the 16th century. It was partially raised in 1894-1895.
Situated on a steep slope, most of the mill’s facilities are located on the ground floor, in a first building perpendicular to the direction of the slope. This barrel-vaulted vessel houses the sieving machine and, at the far end, in a raised section, the two pairs of millstones. Under each pair of millstones is a horizontal waterwheel, set in motion by a waterfall almost 5 m high. Parallel to the first vessel, the second is much shallower. It has no milling facilities. Above this space is a dwelling with a raised first floor and a gable roof. All masonry is limestone rubble.
source: Inventaire général du Patrimoine culturel Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
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Updated on 16/03/2022 – Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Verdon Tourisme – Suggest an edit