Ramparts and fortifications

Ramparts and fortifications
Ramparts and fortifications

We can still observe the fortifications of Petra Castellana, in particular on the north side, in front of you. We think that the wall used to surround the whole site but there are no obvious remains on the south side

The archaeologists were able to locate a 245 m long part of this surrounding wall. There were seven half-moon shaped towers linked together by a continuous wall called a curtain wall. The rampart was carbon dated to the end of the 12th – the beginning of the 13th century.

The towers were massive and solid, there were no rooms inside. They were built with stones and mortar, then covered in terracotta tiles. We can still see that the rampart was open in several places but we don’t know if there were any crenellations. There may have been a chemin de ronde inside the fortification, at the top of the rampart.

Mairie de Castellane

04120 Castellane

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.mairie-castellane.fr

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Updated on 26/02/2024 – Castellane Tourisme – Suggest an edit

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