Village de Cruis

Village de Cruis
Village de Cruis
Village de Cruis
Village de Cruis
Village de Cruis

At 710 meters altitude, between lavender fields and garrigues, on the edge of fir and beech forests, on the southern slopes of the Montagne de Lure, discover the charming village of Cruis.

At 700 meters in altitude between the lavender fields and scrubland on the outskirts of fir and beech forest on the southern slopes of the Montagne de Lure is the village of Cruis distinguished by its two flowers, awarded by the National Competition Towns and Villages in bloom. In Roman times, a branch of the Domitian Way crossed Cruis towards Mallefougasse. In the XIth century, the Abbey of Saint Martin prospered, and extended its influence for several centuries. It remains of this abbey, the church roof slate and rich furnishings, including many elements, the altar, the crib and figurines, and carved stone are ranked or listed in the Inventory of Historical Monuments. See also the remains of the former cloister, where he remains in crypts arch 6, backed by the church and a Roman column. Numerous hiking trails crisscross the forest and you’ll enjoy discovering the fauna and flora of the merveilleurse Mountain Lure. It is possible to halt in jas which formerly were used by shepherds. Since 1997 these have been fully restored jas by elected officials and volunteers from the village. You’ll love to discover a thousand and one things: a chapel, a laundry, a beautifully restored fountain … and many other hidden treasures. Numerous cultural events, performances and exhibitions held throughout the year within the village.

Mairie de Cruis

Place de la Mairie,
04230 Cruis

Telephone : +33492770431

Fax : 04 92 77 02 74

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Chains and labels
  • Circuits de France_POI
  • Villages and towns of character


Free access.

Opening dates

From 01/01 to 31/12, daily.
Languages spoken
  • French
  • Play area
  • Bar
  • Public WC
  • Car park
  • Restaurant
  • Entertainments room
  • Coach parking
  • Shop
  • Tourist information
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Updated on 11/08/2023 – Office de tourisme communautaire Forcalquier Haute Provence – Suggest an edit

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