Lighthouse of the Provencal hinterland, the Mont de Lure, dear to Jean Giono and little sister of Mont Ventoux, culminates at 1826 meters. It offers magnificent opportunities for hiking and horse-riding, and is also a mythical spot for mountain bikers.
Long description Not translated
Régie montagne de Lure
04230 Saint-Étienne-les-Orgues
Telephone : +33492730257
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Chains and labels
- Circuits de France_POI
Free access.Various informations
Accepted animals : Yes
Opening dates
All year round.Languages spoken
- French
- Picnic area
- Bar
- Toilets
- Themed path
- Car park
- Orientation board
- Coach parking
- Free car park
- Pets welcome
- Coach access
- Motorhomes allowed
- Tourist brochures
Alpes de Haute Provence Tourisme patrimoine-naturel/apidae-montagne-de-lure-5428630
Updated on 11/08/2023 – Office de tourisme communautaire Forcalquier Haute Provence – Suggest an edit