La Chaumière

La Chaumière

We serve traditional cuisine with daily specials, menus and à la carte menus in a warm, family atmosphere.

Long description Not translated

Hôtel-Restaurant La Chaumière

67 Grande Rue, La chaumiere,
04140 Seyne

Telephone : +33492350048

Email : [email protected]

Website :

Google My Business :,6.3535805,1…

Chains and labels
Various informations
Accepted animals : Yes

Opening dates

Every day throughout the year.
Closed on Wednesday.
Languages spoken
  • French

Business tourism

Maximum capacity: 30
Alpes de Haute Provence Tourisme restoration/apidae-la-chaumiere-862811
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Updated on 11/09/2024 – Office de Tourisme Provence Alpes Digne les Bains – Suggest an edit

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